Friday, March 23, 2012

Today was a very bittersweet emotional day for me. We started out by stopping at one of the mass grave sites from the earthquake of 2010. There was a new beautiful memorial that the president of Haiti recently had put up, but there were also all the crosses lying in a pile which had been put there by the loved ones of those who had parished in the earthquake; it was unbelievable. Although there were thousands buried here, Wilson told us there were more than 2000 other mass burial grounds just like it. From there we made a short stop at Grace Village. What a beautiful place and all the kids were so loving. We are spending the day there on Sunday so I can't wait to go back! One little girl told me, "I will miss you and I Love you so very much!" Talk about a day brightener!! From there we went to the market in Titan-yen; a little chaotic, but again all the children welcome us with open arms and just want you to hold them or hold their hand. We bought some hot meals to deliver to the elders and then we were on our way. We visited 11 elders in all and there wasn't nearly enough time to spend with each one of them. They were all so glad to have us there, and although we brought them food and drink; they put that aside and just wanted us to touch them and pray for them. It was amazing and very sad all at the same time. One of the ladies kissed each one of us, just for coming to see her. Junior had his guitar and played God is So Good, while we all held hands and sang to her in side her house. It was so powerful and beautiful, I couldn't help but cry. Not because I was sad, but because I could see what joy it brought her. It was a very emotional day, I just found myself wishing there was more I could do for them. The reality of it is, they were happy just to have us there. Beautiful simplicity.

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